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Rest Well with Sobel Pillows


What are you resting on? It’s important to ask yourself if you are taking care of your body during the rejuvenating and repair stages as your sleep.

What you rest on can either enhance or deter your body’s natural response to muscle repair and memory consolidation. When you take into consideration your sleep’s architecture and provide yourself with quality material, your body can maximize the time it has to repair sore muscles and renew your energy for all of life’s activities you have planned. You must have heard it said many times, that you spend over 1/3 of your life sleeping and laying on your bed and pillows. Make sure it’s the right ones.

You can look forward to a sweet escape, knowing you can jump into bed and rest easy. Our pillows cradle your head and support your neck as you sleep, alleviating and preventing many forms of the shoulder, back, or neck pain.  How well you sleep affects your health, both mentally and physically.

John Steinbeck once said that, “it is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.” Let your pillow be your committee and all the aches and pains of your day are refreshed by morning!

Make sure you give yourself the best possible rest you can, so you can the very best version of yourself in the morning. You have a life to live and we want to help you live it well-rested!

Click here to find your pillows for the best nights of sleep ever!


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